Services we provide


Our doctors will meet our patients chair side to evaluate any concerns and/or questions to create a comprehensive treatment plan.


A teeth cleaning is recommended every 6 months along with necessary x-rays. This is a preventative treatment.

Night Guard

If you have jaw pain, tooth pain or a headache when you wake up. You might grind your teeth at night and need a night guard. This is an appliance that is form fitted and is to be worn at night. Various colors are available.


Dental fillings are a direct restoration to repair a tooth that has decay or damage. Fillings can be either composite (Tooth colored), Amalgam (Silver) or gold.

Porcelain Veneers

This is a cosmetic dental procedure. Veneers are a thin cover or shell. These covers or shells are placed onto the front side of the tooth. It is made of ceramic that has the ability to be tinted and color matched to the existing teeth.


A dental crown or cap is placed to restore the original shape, size, strength and appearance of a tooth. Crowns are placed onto an existing tooth that has been reshaped/built up or onto an implant base.


A Bridge is multiple crown or caps built together to form a “Bridge”. Existing teeth next to the gap, space, or extraction site are prepped for crowns. Implant bases can also be used if no teeth are present.


A Dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into the jaw. These artificial roots will then be used as a base for a restoration. The tooth is extracted (if it’s present) and once the bone has healed, The implant is placed by a specialist. The proper restoration that was discussed between the doctor and patient will then be placed. This restoration could be either a crown, bridge or denture.

Root Canal

A Root Canal is the removal of the tooth nerve (the blue dye above) to prepare the tooth for a crown restoration. The Root is removed which is replaced with a post and core is built up to retain the crown which is placed on top.


This is the removal of a tooth and its roots. Some reasons to extract a tooth are server decay, tooth fracture, over crowding and gum disease.


Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth. Dentures are made to be a full set of teeth. If only a couple of teeth are needed, it would be a smaller appliance and known as a partial.